Monday, February 6, 2017

Piktochart InfoGraphics: Civil War Time Line

Social Studies 5th Grade
Standard 3 
Students will understand the rights and responsibilities guaranteed in the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Objective 2
Assess how the US Constitution has been amended and interpreted over time, and the impact these amendments have had on the rights and responsibilities of citizens of the United States. 
Explain the significance of the Bill of Rights.
Identify how the rights of selected groups have changed and how the Constitution reflects those changes (e.g. women, enslaved people).
Analyze the impact of the Constitution on their lives today (e.g. freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, petition).

Benchmark: As the United States expanded westward, major issues, some of them from the first years of the nation, began to challenge the stability of the nation. As the nation expanded, issues of states rights, the institution of slavery, and economic development culminated in a Civil War. This war formally ended slavery and strengthened the power of the Federal government. The era after the Civil War was a time of major economic development and technological innovation.
Educational Technology - (Grades 3-5)
Standard 5 
Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (3, 4)
ISTE Standards for Students
Creative Communicator
I communicate effectively and express myself creatively using different tools, styles, formats, and digital media.
This project gives the students a in hand time line of the Civil War so that they can learn the main events that happened during the war. This also is a great website to have students make their own time lines or use it for other projects to explain a subject. This tool was pretty easy to understand but I wouldn't introduce it to students in grades younger then fourth. 
To access the preview of the actual time line click this: Civil War Piktochart Time Line

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