Monday, March 27, 2017

Educreations: Our Solar System

Science - 2nd Grade

Standard 2

Earth and Space Science. Students will gain an understanding of Earth and Space Science through the study of earth materials, celestial movement, and weather.

Educational Technology - (Grades 3-5)
Standard 4 

Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, to remediate skill deficits, and to facilitate learning throughout the curriculum. (3)

ISTE Standards for Students
Empowered Learner

I use technology to set goals, work toward achieving them and demonstrate my learning.

Educreations is a great tool to use to reteach or to review things that have already been taught to the class. This tool can be great for math to have little step by step processes of how to do a problem when students are at home working on homework. I think this tool is a very good tool for teachers and can be used to help students learn something when they do not understand it because its step by step and the teacher talks the student through the process. 

emaze: What's inside the ocean?

Science - 1st Grade
Standard 4 

Life Science. Students will gain an understanding of Life Science through the study of changes in organisms over time and the nature of living things.

Objective 1
  • Communicate observations about the similarities and differences between offspring and between populations. 
  • Communicate observations about plants and animals, including humans, and how they resemble their parents. 
  • Analyze the individual similarities and differences within and across larger groups. 

Educational Technology - (Grades 3-5)
Standard 5 

Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (3, 4)

ISTE Standards for Students
Knowledge Constructor

I critically select, evaluate and synthesize digital resources into a collection that reflects my learning and builds my knowledge.

Emaze is a way cool way to show a slide shows to students because it kind of turns the slides to life in a way. This is just a way to keep the students attention on what is being taught because students enjoy something that keeps them entertained. It is also a very easy tool to learn and can be taught to students I think starting in third grade and then the students can make presentations for the class to learn about something that interests them. I think this could be used daily in a classroom. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

EDpuzzle: Types of Rocks

Science - 2nd Grade

Standard 2 
Earth and Space Science. Students will gain an understanding of Earth and Space Science through the study of earth materials, celestial movement, and weather.

Objective 1
Describe the characteristics of different rocks.

  • Explain how smaller rocks come from the breakage and weathering of larger rocks. 
  • Describe rocks in terms of their parts (e.g. crystals, grains, cement). 
  • Sort rocks based upon color, hardness, texture, layering, particle size and type (i.e. igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary). 
Educational Technology - (Grades 3-5)
Standard 5 
Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (3, 4)

ISTE Standards for Students
Knowledge Constructor 
I critically select, evaluate and synthesize digital resources into a collection that reflects my learning and builds my knowledge.

EDpuzzle is an amazing tool for teachers and I would highly recommend using it in the everyday classroom. This tool is a way to quiz students over a video that they are watching to make sure the students are paying attention and getting what they need to out of the video. It can also be used by students during a presentation if they want to make sure their classmates are paying attention. Teachers can use this as an activity in the classroom as well as a homework assignment. 

Google Slides: Life of A Butterfly

Science - 1st Grade

Standard 4 
Life Science. Students will gain an understanding of Life Science through the study of changes in organisms over time and the nature of living things.

Objective 2
Living things change and depend upon their environment to satisfy their basic needs.

  • Make observations about living things and their environment using the five senses. 
  • Identify how natural earth materials (e.g., food, water, air, light, and space), help to sustain plant and animal life. 
  • Describe and model life cycles of living things. 

Educational Technology - (Grades 3-5)
Standard 6 
Use telecommunications efficiently and effectively to access remote information and communicate with others in support of direct and independent learning and for pursuit of personal interests. (4)

ISTE Standards for Students
Empowered Learning
I use technology to set goals, work toward achieving them and demonstrate my learning.

Google slides is just an amazing tool and can be used with just about any subject and can be used by just about ever age level. The higher the grade level the more complex the slide presentation can get but in the younger ages students can just put a few facts and a picture on a slide and thats all they really need. This tool is great and should be used in the classroom almost daily to mix up the ways teachers introduce new material. 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Animoto: States of the USA

Social Studies - 2nd Grade

Standard 3 

(Geography): Students will use geographic tools and skills to locate and describe places on earth.

Objective 2

Demonstrate geographic skills on a map and a globe.
  • Identify and use information on a map and on a globe (e.g., map key or legend, simple grid systems, physical features, compass rose). 
  • Compare and contrast the difference between maps and globes. 
  • Locate your city, the State of Utah, and the United States on a variety of maps or on a globe. 
  • Locate and label the following on a map or a globe: the seven continents, the five oceans, the poles, and the equator. 
  • Using a map or a globe, link cultures/nationalities within your community to their place of origin. 
Educational Technology - (Grades 3-5)
Standard 5 
Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (3, 4)
ISTE Standards for Students
Knowledge Constructor
I critically select, evaluate and synthesize digital resources into a collection that reflects my learning and builds my knowledge.

Animoto is a wonderful tool to teach students with or to have students teach one another. This tool is really simple and straight forward. Students above second grade would really benefit from having the opportunity to use this tool to teach one another. This is a way that students could show what they have learned by putting it into a video and explaining what they want the class to get from the video. This is an amazing tool that can be used for just about anything. 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Tiki-Toki: The First Sixteen Presidents of the United States

Social Studies - 2nd Grade
Standard 2 
(Citizenship): Students will recognize and practice civic responsibility in the community, state, and nation.
Objective 1

  • Examine civic responsibility and demonstrate good citizenship.
  • Describe characteristics of being a good citizen through the examples of historic figures and ordinary citizens. 
  • Explain the benefits of being a U.S. citizen (e.g., responsibilities, freedoms, opportunities, and the importance of voting in free elections). 
  • Identify and participate in a local civic activity. (e.g. community cleanup, recycling, walkathons, voting). 
  • Identify state and national activities (e.g., voting, Pledge of Allegiance, holidays). 

Educational Technology - (Grades 3-5)
Standard 5 
Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (3, 4)

ISTE Standards for Students
Empowered Learner
I use technology to set goals, work toward achieving them and demonstrate my learning.

Tiki-Toki is a wonderful tool for teachers to show a timeline to students because it makes the time line very easy to read and understand. I think as a teacher I wouldn't have students below the fourth grade level work with Tiki-Toki because there are somethings with the website which could get difficult to explain to younger students. I think for the older grades this tool could help students make some amazing types of timelines from the timeline of a war to the timeline of someones life. I really think that this would be best for teachers to show students timelines in the younger grade because its just a different type of way of keeping the students engaged in what is being taught. 

Monday, February 27, 2017

Prezi: Author Report- Dr. Suess

English Language Arts Grade 4
Reading: Informational Text Standard 8 
Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text.

Educational Technology - (Grades 3-5)
Standard 5

Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (3, 4)

ISTE Standards for Students
Knowledge Constructor
I critically select, evaluate and synthesize digital resources into a collection that reflects my learning and builds my knowledge

Prezi is a very easy to use resource but shouldn't be used with students under the 3 grade level. This can be used for making just about any projects such as a place for students to do reports on an author. This tool is a tool that can be used for presentations in the classroom to show students a subject in a whole different way. It will engage students more with the way the president brings up the next slide.